
10-29-2008 Odyssey Group, Topeka Kansas- meeting with Drex Flott LSCW, and Kara Haney LSCW, Admitting known Abuse but refuse to act as mandated reporters

instead- they protect the abuser- ahh gee hmmm

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10-29-2008 1h 50m Index 8:5010:28 begins

13:2914:13 Kira petition what do you want and the court hearing set

16:07 -what is our involvement

17:00- contact with rikki

17:50- lacey [the dog]

18:43- motion 4 hearing asking for normalcy in visits

20:19 -about the motion being filed rikki not on the kid more convenient for dad?

21:45 -dependent upon her peers give her money

22.35- $20.00 to e

22.53 -denied braces no phone-denied contact with her phone

23.55 -it is not up to rikki

25.00 -dad broke my mouth but don’t place psych eval.

26:12- power struggle with courts (I acted out)

27:00 -we deserve this trip together

29:00- I drove twice week I worked at LSH

30:10- rikki –‘granny won’t let dad hurt mom’

30:00 -(15 years) 32:00 KsJudicialperformance act (liz samora

33.00 drex more than we know.

34.00 try loosing a child to an abuser I thought- I had the right to be safe

36:00 my mom my pain not going to let that happen to my daughter. BMCC two years’ courageous kids

38:00 not a part of my life


41:00- how come dad don’t love me (rikki)

43:00- rikki is awesome drex says ‘I am in her’ ag ’s office- rikki early years 4 or 5 years old

46:50 – when they took my daughter they took my soul

47:00- letter from hospital

48:50 -contact with GAL braces Aug 6th en re braces

51:58 Rikki says ‘dad is in charge (dont write this down)

53:33- kira a couple of issues 1. Funeral 2. Unsupervised

1:15:30  rikki does want to go to grandmothers funeral en re the court

1:17:15 rikkis voice well rikki says

1:19:50 Kira- ‘rikki does have a very controlled home a lot of external Control

1:21:50 for rikkis safety- choose to disengage as I am not safe for her- this is how are lives are- 1:23:25- admissions of abuse

1:26:40 -how rikki survives- Julie- takes a lot for rikki

1:28:28 Julie is in fear too -rikki is the best judge

1:30:00 visits are very empowering very balanced positive strength based

1:33:20 sv is not there gives us freedom rikki and I freedom? to monitor at discretion we don’t need help to nurture our relationship states kira

1:37:23 visits don’t cut my visits drex reintegration reunification

1:38:36 visits went back because julie and rikki to cancel the visit so they just set them back temporary football season-Rikki in a double binder-

1:41:13 – kira -rikki struggled with telling mom no more weekends. drex- - national zone

1:48:40 end

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