
Audio Recording of Meeting with Drex Flott, Kara Haney of Odyssey Group, Topeka Kansas (admissions of abuse by father) en re:allowing granddaughter to go to funeral.

 Parental Alienation Syndrome

In my last post the audio failed to upload to bean pod do the size of file- but in looking around I found that some ones else had it uploaded! Thx Anonymoms

10-29-2008 Meeting with Drex Flott, Kara Haney of odyssey en re: allowing granddaughter to go to funeral.http://anonymoms.blip.tv/file/3035214/

So much for ‘mandated reporting’ huh?- they would loose $$$ if they told the truth.. so the lesson is clear- Abuse for Profit! Thanks Odyssey Kara and Drex and your co-conspirators…


“All it takes for evil to succeed is that could be- good men –do nothing”-Edmond Burke

10-29-2008 Meeting with Drex Flott, Kara Haney of odyssey en re: allowing granddaughter to go to funeral.http://anonymoms.blip.tv/file/3035214/



10-29-2008 1h 50m

8:5010:28 begins

13:2914:13 Kara petition what do you want and the court hearing set

16:07 -what is our involvement

17:00- contact with rikki

17:50- they let lacey [the dog] see rikki

18:43- motion 4 hearing asking for normalcy in visits

20:19 -about the motion being filed rikki not on the kid more convenient for dad?

21:45 -dependent upon her peers give her money

22.35- $20.00 to e

22.53 -denied braces no phone-denied contact with her phone

23.55 -it is not up to rikki

25.00 -dad broke my mouth but don’t place psych eval.

26:12- power struggle with courts (I acted out)

27:00 -we deserve this trip together

29:00- I drove twice week I worked at LSH

30:10- rikki –‘granny won’t let dad hurt mom’

30:00 -(15 years)

32:00 KsJudicialperformance act (liz samora

33.00 drex more than we know.

34.00 try loosing a child to an abuser I thought- I had the right to be safe

36:00 my mom my pain not going to let that happen to my daughter.

BMCC two years’ courageous kids

38:00 not a part of my life


41:00- how come dad don’t love me (rikki)

43:00- rikki is awesome drex says ‘I am in her’ ag 's office- rikki early years 4 or 5 years old

46:50 - when they took my daughter they took my soul

47:00- letter from hospital

48:50 -contact with GAL braces Aug 6th en re braces

51:58 Rikki says ‘dad is in charge (dont write this down)

53:33- kara a couple of issues 1. Funeral 2. Unsupervised

1:15:30 does rikki want to go en re the court

1:17:15 rikkis voice well rikki says

1:19:50 Kara- ‘rikki does have a very controlled home a lot of external Control

1:21:50 for rikkis safety- choose to disengage as I am not safe for her- this is how are lives are-

1:23:25- admissions of abuse

1:26:40 -how rikki survives- Julie- takes a lot for rikki

1:28:28 Julie is in fear too states Drex-rikki is the best judge

1:30:00 – mother and daughter visits are very empowering very balanced positive strength based

1:33:20 sv is not there gives us freedom rikki and I freedom? to monitor at discretion we don’t need help to nurture our relationship states kara

1:37:23 visits don’t cut my visits drex reintegration reunification

1:38:36 visits went back because julie and rikki to cancel the visit so they just set them back temporary football season-Rikki in a double binder-

1:41:13 - kara -rikki struggled with telling mom no more weekends. drex-  national zone

1:48:40 end

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10-16-2008 Odyssey Report RE: Dombrowski Case 96D217






Read actual Document here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/15557284/10162008-odessey-report

The Odyssey Group, LLC 2914 SW Plass Court Suite B Topeka, Kansas 66611 (785) 266-7980

December 16,2008 Supervised Visitation

Re: Rikki Dombrowski Case #: 96-D-217 Progress Report:

I was assigned as the worker to this case in August of 2008. I began supervising visits in mid August for 2 hours, one time weekly between Rikki Dombrowski and her mother, Claudine Dombrowski. These visits were scaled back from weekly to bi-weekly, per Rikki's request in approximately September of 2008. Visits have remained 2 hours, every other week since that time. This worker staffs visit progress with her clinical supervisor, Drex Flott, LSCSW one time weekly and as needed.

During visitation this worker has had no concerns in reference to Rikki's safety. In addition, this worker must commend Claudine Dombrowski for progress made in not referring to Rikki's father, Hal Richardson, in a negative manner during any visitation in front of her daughter. It is very apparent when arriving at each visitation that both mother and daughter are excited to see one another.

This worker has spoken with Rikki at length about visitation and it's progress and limitations. On several occasions Rikki has made her wishes in terms of visitation and her relationship with her mother, very clear to this worker. There have been many times during visitation that Rikki has expressed embarrassment in reference to her mother's behavior. Rikki has also expressed that she wants visits to remain every other week for 2 hours and does not want them unsupervised at this time. Rikki has expressed much frustration to this worker in relationship to this case and her relationship with her mother. Rikki is a bright teenager with a normal teenage life and an ability to express her wishes and desires clearly. It would be the recommendation of the agency and this worker that visits remain status quo until Rikki indicates that she would like something otherwise. It would also be the recommendation of the agency and this worker that before and during any lengthened or unsupervised visitation there shall be weekly therapeutic work between Rikki and her mother. Rikki states that she loves her mother but is content with the relationship as it stands. This worker supports Rikki's opinion and trusts that when she is ready Rikki will express a desire for change.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kara Haney, LBSW, MSW Student Intern
Drex Flott, LSCSW

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